Founded in 1996 in Southern New Jersey, NMS Consulting specializes in project management, relationship management and team leadership for small to mid-size companies. Clients seeking project organization between various technology solution providers, contract with our firm to ensure a timely implementation. Through detailed project analysis, interviews and review of business objectives, our firm will prepare a project plan outlining the tasks, resources, time frames and critical path required to implement the solution. Throughout the course of the project, plans will be updated and when required, corrective actions identified to maintain the stated course. Our consultants are trained in database design, data conversion, custom reporting and business systems. NMS Consulting works closely with the management team, partners and third party providers to implement their corporate objectives.

Additionally, NMS Consulting is part of an expert network of service providers. Together, we provide a comprehensive solution source for every facet of your business.


Networking, Computers and Telecommunications
Computer Upgrades and Networks LLC

Computer Upgrades and Networks LLC. Was founded in 2001 by Steve Locantore, Steve has been in the telecommunications industry for more than 20 years.
Computer Upgrades and Networks LLC. is bringing big business know-how to the small business. Our primary focus is our customers needs, we take the time to listen to our customers and will work to find a solution to any telecommunications, network or computer problem that you may have.
Here is a list of experiences:

  • Installed communications gear on the first transcontinental fiber link to Europe.
  • Designed and installed an integrated Voice & Data network spanning the US.
  • Supported traffic monitoring system for a state agency.
  • Designed and installed a five location campus network using a fiber optic backbone.
  • Designed and implemented a remote access network for a local franchise.
  • Designed and implemented a shared Voice & Data network for local small business.
  • For more information, please visit


Marketing & Communications

NMS Consulting has established relationships with marketing professionals for all of your communication needs. We have produced a wide variety of materials for various clients including brochures, corporate identity packages, logos, packaging, ads, catalogs, newsletters, posters, and other collateral materials. Our marketing partners are expert in developing, designing and hosting professional web sites.


Programming & Internet Development

NMS Consulting works with several technological partners in the fields of programming and web development. Because of these strategic relationships, we are able to assist you in developing comprehensive solutions for all of your business needs. Whether your project is the creation of a small office network or customized coding for your corporate web site, our partnerships with industry experts will ensure that your project is successfully completed.


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